Our Occupational Health and Safety Courses

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 requires employers to provide whatever information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of their employees. In order to manage the health and safety of the individual business’ and help prevent workplace accidents, ill health and sickness absence.
Here at Redstone Training, we can offer a comprehensive suite of OHS training in health, safety and environmental management to help improve delegates skills and underpinning knowledge as well as reduces risks, which in turn, make workplaces healthier and safer environments for everyone.

Here at Redstone Training, we understand you need to maintain competencies and develop your career. So, if you're looking for the next step of your Rail Industry journey, we have a some courses for you.

Our Occupational Health and Safety Courses

What we offer:
  • Manual Handling

  • Fire Marshal/Warden

  • Harness & Lanyard

  • Fire Safety

  • Face Fit Testing

  • Emergency First Aid

  • Working At Heights

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